GREEN Israel is green! In more ways than one. There are lots plastic bottle collection receptacles conveniently, but discreetly, placed in cities such as Tel Aviv. The scenery is green and productive Bread and Circus quality fresh fruits and vegetables abounds in all neighborhoods. Israel is also green in that it is prosperous and invests in the infrastructure.
ARAB - and everything else. Israel is, surprisingly for me at least, Arab. I expected Israel to be Jewish. There are over one million Arab Israelis who keep their own language and culture and enjoy a high standard of living for this part of the world. There are Arab towns, like Nazareth, where you can get authentic hummus, hear the iman 5 times daily, and see veiled women. They welcome us "to Israel". And yes, pictured right is a mosque with an Israeli flag on top. I have a great deal to learn about the Middle East. So, Israel is Jewish and Arab, but it is actually everything, so many hostels and churches / places of worship. Such diversity in population. In the past 2 days we have talked to American Jewish immigrants, sabras, volunteers from all over the world, missionaries. We hear every language and public places have translations in many languages. What a potpourri. Sometimes I think I am in NYC.
QUESTION If women can wear veils in Israel, what's with France where it is illegal?
EDUCATION Be forewarned if you come to tour Israel, it is mandatory that you learn about what you are seeing. Included in the price of a ticket will be some direction before you set off. Not speaking Hebrew will be no excuse. If there is no English guide one of the guides will apologize that she is a Hebrew guide, but she will do the best she can for you in English. Better pay attention because you will not get away until you understand well the history, the architecture, the time-line, the geography, and expect some spot quizzes. And you will be expected to correct for her any mistakes she makes in English. Bruce and I both know very well about Caesera, ancient port, from Phoenician era through King Herod, Romans, Crusaders, and more, all the way up to the present day.
Tonight we are in Nazareth where we just had, at the Annai Restaurant, a wonderful meal of chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce w/ fresh thyme. Absolutely 1st Class.